To convert an audio file using the free Audacity audio editor:
- Download and install Audacity.
- Open Audacity, click on “File” > “Open” and select the file you want to convert.
- You can see the audio track properties of the current file on the left side. This example is based on a stereo audio file with 44.1 kHz bit rate.
- Change the “Project Rate (Hz)” on the bottom status bar to 8000, i.e. 8 kHz. Newer versions have moved it to Audio Setup> Audio Settings... in the menu ribbon at the top.
- Under Quality> Project Sample Rate: set to 8000Hz and click OK
- If you are using a stereo file, click on the audio file name in the track editor and select “Split Stereo to Mono”. Click on the “X” button in the audio track properties to remove the second track.
Click on “File” > “Export Audio” and:
- enter a name for the file to export (file names must be in a latin character set),
- set “Save as type” to “WAV (Microsoft) signed 16-bit PCM”.
- Click Save
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