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1 Cyber Security Manager
This document describes the role of the Cyber Security Manager in <Organisation Name>.
1.1 Overview
Good Cyber Security is an essential part of how <Organisation Name> works. The person performing the Cyber Security Manager role:
- Is responsible for the overall cyber security of <Organisation Name>
- Is the single point of contact for cyber security within <Organisation Name>
- Ensures that cyber security is uppermost in the minds and actions of our personnel.
1.2 Responsibilities
<This list contains items that are essential for good cyber security, as well as highly recommended items. As always though, add, modify, delete as appropriate for the organisation.>
Working with other personnel as needed, the Cyber Security Manager:
- Stays up-to-date on the evolving landscape of the global cyber security environment
- Evaluates and understands global cyber security risks, threats and vulnerabilities
- Provides cyber security awareness training to all organisation personnel, including management
- Provides cyber security awareness training to personnel during onboarding
- Assesses and reviews the <Organisation Name> IT environment to evaluate and understand the specific cyber security risks, threats and vulnerabilities in that environment
- Creates and manages Plans to:
- Regularly perform Risk Assessments
- Respond to cyber security incidents
- Recover from cyber security incidents
- Communicate during cyber security incidents
- Provide business continuity during cyber security incidents
- Manages response to and recovery from any cyber security incident
- Creates and manages cyber security strategies, policies and processes
- Oversees cyber security audits, whether performed internally or by third-parties
- Assesses current technology and suggests possible upgrades or improvement
- Evaluates the budget and costs associated with relevant technology and associated training
- Implements and oversees technology upgrades, improvements and major changes to the IT environment
- Ensures cyber security activities cover physical security, disaster recovery and backups
- Ensures cyber security obligations imposed by legislation and regulation are met
- Communicates cyber security goals and new programmes effectively within the organisation
- Ensures <Organisation Management Group Name> is regularly informed of the state of cyber security readiness within the organisation.
1.3 Reporting
The Cyber Security Manager role reports to <Organisation Management Group Name>.
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